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Unbelievable benefits of green tea

Green tea is made from the leaves from Camellia sinensis that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea originated in China and has the following health benefits
Green Tea
1. For Bones: Green tea helps maintain healthy bones. Regular consumption can help preserve bone density.

2. Contains Theophylline: Green tea contains theophylline which relaxes the muscle supporting bronchial tubes, reducing the severity of asthma.

3. Protection from cancer: The inhibitor in green tea is more practical than vitamins C and E which help our body to protect cells from injury which are believed to be connected to cancer.

4. Fresh Breath: Intake of green tea helps avoid bad breath due to its ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria

5. Reduces the risk of hearth attack: By lowering the amount of cholesterol, green tea helps stop heart disease and strokes.

6. Skin Protection: Green tea works as a natural sunscreen against exposure to UV rays. It helps prevent free radicals from settling between skin cells, which can weaken the healthy protection system of the skin, causing wrinkles and sun damage.


7. Prevents tooth decay: It destroys many bacteria and viruses which cause tooth decay and many dental diseases.

8. Fights Diabetes: Green tea helps increase blood glucose levels and balance metabolism.

9. Helps with weight loss: Green tea reduces the blood fat, excess water, and cholesterol while it detoxifies the body and suppresses untimely food cravings.

10. Longevity agent: Green tea helps you fight against aging and promote longevity, it contains polyphenols that fight against free radicals.