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Unbelievable cancer cheats

preventable disease
There are no proven ways to prevent cancer, but you can reduce your risk of getting it. Risk factors you can do something about include smoking and being overweight, and there are other things you can do to reduce your risk.  

U.S. SWAT Images of Terrorism training (Pictures)

If you ever wondered why things are not working out the way they should in the Nigerian Army, Here are a few images of anti-terrorism drill by the U.S. SWAT team. I hope one day we can have a road as wide as that to conduct such a training. see pictures.

Monsters in paradise!!!

5 y.o Camel Jockey
As many as 6,000 camel jockeys (boys under the age of 7) …languished in hidden slavery on ouzbah farms where their masters beat them and starved them to keep their weight

U.S. Surveillance practises

United States NASA building

Documents released by Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor, have revealed several programs that systematically gather private information on many millions of people worldwide without any particular justification. Stalking is and understatement compared to this kind of surveillance. 

Google glass now on Sale

Google has formally announced that it's opening sales of Glass to everyone in the U.S.. If they're in stock and you have $1,500 to spare, you can buy a pair. It's worth noting that this is still the Explorer Program: the device is still on a test run, and the prices remain high at $1,500.