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U.S. Surveillance practises

United States NASA building

Documents released by Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor, have revealed several programs that systematically gather private information on many millions of people worldwide without any particular justification. Stalking is and understatement compared to this kind of surveillance. 

U.S. Technically gather all information about everyone in the US and store the information on a pool of infinite memory "more than a quadrillion Gigabite" a reliable source mentioned, for reference at any time. 
Before now, surveillance used to be targetted to a particular individual, or a vehicle or building e.t.c. but now, it's gone past that, now it's every building, every car, every individual at everytime. Imagine a cop walks up to you and threaten to blackmail you with your extra marital affair or you give them information about your boss.... stuffs like that..... it is well