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Best practises after waking up for a productive day

1. Wake up with Light:
Light wakes you up like nothing else. An alarm can be jarring, but light is natural, gradual, and helps you feel more alert when the morning comes. If you can't get a readily available bed side lamp, try extending your light switch to your bed side.
use a bright bedside Lamp

2. Drink a Glass of Water
Drinking water first thing in the morning increases the rate at which new muscle and blood cells are produced When you drink water after you have woken up before eating anything, you are purifying your colon thereby making nutrients absorption easy.

3. Five minutes Exercise:
Exercise boosts your heart rate and gets your blood flowing, which will help you feel more alert. Some people don't love to exercise early in the morning because they don't feel up to it, but just a  cycle of 5 minute pushups is a great way to start. Not only will you benefit from the exercise itself, but you'll raise your body temperature. This will allow you to take a cooler shower and lower temperatures will also help you wake up further.

4. Eat breakfast
Eating breakfast gives you a mental advantage during the day. When you start off your day, your body needs fuel because glycogen stores start to deplete. If you haven’t had any food, by lunch you’ll start to feel fatigued, according to cognitive studies, particularly on children, tell us what happens if you don’t eat — you lose focus and concentration as well as the ability to think and solve problems.