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5 of world's most bizarre cultures

1. Baby tossing (India) 
Baby tossing
In Maharashtra state of India, it is common practice to toss newborn babies off the side of a 2 storey temple. According to tradition, this gives the children good luck into their adult years and strengthens intelligence. 

2. Carrying pregnant bride over coal (China)
burning coal myth
According to Chinese customs, a husband should carry his bride over a pan of burning coals when entering their home for the first time. This myth has been performed to ensure she will have an easy, successful labor.

3. The walking dead (Indonesia)
The walking dead
Funerals can be both pricey and intricate ceremonies, in Torajah the afterlife is an important part of their religious beliefs. When families can’t afford an initial proper burial, a body is placed in a temporary coffin. When funding is in order, the corpse is literally dressed up and made to walk to it’s new resting place.

4. Meanwhile in Russia's Man Down game
Man down game
In Russia, it’s a traditional drinking game for men together and prepare a bottle of vodka for every three men. They drink until one falls, or passes out, and refusing to drink is considered an insult to those participating. 

5. Eating the dead Ashes (Venezuela)
The Yanomamo tribe of Venezuela and Brazil forbids in preserving or keeping any parts of their deceased. Instead, the body is cremated and the ashes, which includes crushed bones, are given to the family to be eaten.