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How women think!

1. Hair: Those with curly hair spend hours and alot of money straightening it, while those with straight hair do the same to get it curly
2. Don't try to understand women: It could be true that women are the only ones who understand women and that's why they hate each other. Or they don't understand each other either and that's why they hate each other. One thing we do know. They hate each other.
3. "All men are thesame":  She must have tried all men to make a statement like that. However, in reality, "men are all the same" because they are men.
Same Men
4. The undue packaging: Women have learned how to package themselves in public. When you are home with them, it's an entirely different story.
5. They choose looks over comfort: Most men complain about all the pillows on the couch because there is no room to sit. To a woman,appearance is more important than comfort. Just look at their shoes.
same goes for high heeled shoes
6. The "ignore" game: Nothing is worse than ignoring your guy and he doesn't notice, except if he ignores you back. It's exhausting. 
Try ignoring her
7. What she wants: Just because she doesn't know what she wants, and you must get it for her! 
what a woman wants
8. Income: A committed or married couple always seem to share the man's salary, while everything she makes is hers.
9. Stating the obvious: Never, ever, ever agree with a woman .... when she is putting herself down. In fact, that is the one time they don't want you to agree.
Only time to disagree
10. Their conclusion: Either way you look at it... Women always reach the same conclusion about cheating men