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New fragrance to smell like dead loved ones!

When a loved one passes on and you want to keep their memory alive by perceiving their body scent anytime you miss and want to be around them, a new development has just made that possible. Thanks to a determined entrepreneur and a chemist.

He/she could be a loving Aunt, uncle, dad, mum or a kind piano instructor that dies, all you need to do is get some personal belongings of the subject such as clothing, pillow cases, bath towels and the likes and send to a chemist at the Universite du Havre in France. 

The chemist will extract the body scent molecules from the materials and process into a sprayable perfume. Though creepy, Katia Apaletegui, the founder of the company with this brilliant idea said it will help people dealing with grief after loosing a loved one, she said it will provide "olfactory comfort" and it's expected to sell for around $600.

what do you think of this idea?

I thought to myself, if someone sprays the scent of my late dad in a dark room to prank me, I'll pee in my pants.