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Side effects of being intelligent

1.) You think more than you feel 

          This is one of the side effects of being above average intelligently, you might be in a very captivating environment where nature is colorful and bright but you're rather thinking of how it's made possible rather than how beautiful it is. Your thoughts are like "This is a really brilliant work" rather than "This is a very beautiful piece of art". You think quality or process rather than end result.

Intelligent people are mostly mental rather than physical

New fragrance to smell like dead loved ones!

When a loved one passes on and you want to keep their memory alive by perceiving their body scent anytime you miss and want to be around them, a new development has just made that possible. Thanks to a determined entrepreneur and a chemist.

Unbelievable, A man bought a used car and found this in the door ... (Photos)

A  man in Louisiana went car shopping for a used car and got more than he bargained for. For a deal he thought went smoothly although one of the power windows wasn't working well but it was still a good deal anyway.

Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg's simple advice for success!

You would be surprised how easy it is to be successful according to the 31 years old Mark Zuckerberg with estimated worth of about $36 Billion Dollars.

Mark Zuckerberg

Peanuts, best Heart pills.

A research conducted on over 70,000 Americans of African and European descents revealed that nuts and peanuts help in reducing risk of death, especially from heart disease.

How known successful people manage stress!!!

A survey shows that 90 percent of top performers know how to manage their emotions in times of stress so that they remain cool, calm, and able to do what needs to be done.

Some stress is good for us as it helps us perform at optimal levels. Too much stress, however, can have serious psychological and physiological negative effects. Here is a good lesson on how known successful people used stress to their advantage.

The new Microsoft surface pro 3 Tablet!

It has been reviewed as “one of the very best and most accurate displays available on any mobile platform and OS,” . The new 12-inch Surface Pro 3 is the tablet that can replace your laptop in its entirety.
Surface Pro 3

Unbelievable benefits of green tea

Green tea is made from the leaves from Camellia sinensis that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea originated in China and has the following health benefits
Green Tea

Sure ways to prevent contacting Ebola Virus!!!

The following precautions can help prevent infection and spread of Ebola, prevention efforts focus on avoiding contact with the viruses. 

5 signs you are likely to make it big in life

1. You have something big you really want to happen in your mind (A dream):
What do you envision? What do you want to accomplish so bad? What are your hopes and dreams? Having a dream even if it looks impossible is very crucial for success.